Physical measurements role inside a high performance car virtual development
Giuseppe Raimondi
Virtual approach in vehicle development process is even more getting a crucial role; in addition to lower
costs and shorter time-to-market process, benefits include also the possibility to explore many more design
scenarios and increase the level of design accuracy. The usage of driving simulators has bring the great
possibility to include the human perception and the professional drivers' feeling inside the design process
before getting into physical prototypes; these permits to almost freeze the entire vehicle's components and
related tuning just in virtual way. The success of this kind of innovative approach is obviously related with a
high level of correlation between real and virtual world. The aim of the present speech is to describe how
the physical measurements criteria, needs and demands have changed through the years inside a high
performance car virtual development. Measurement campaigns start from early stages of the development
in order to guarantee the complete characterization of all aspects included and is strictly linked to the level
of modeling that is required. Progressive measurements with increasing in-deep details during all the
development process make virtual models even more realistic and compliant to physical behavior of the
vehicle. In the final stages of development measurements are dedicated to a fine tuning of some
components or features in order to support the growth of prototypes.