Software-Defined Vehicles: Sensing, Communication, Processing, and Control


Davoli Luca Davoli

Luca Davoli

University of Parma, Italy

Ferrari Gianluigi Ferrari

Gianluigi Ferrari

University of Parma, Italy

Azzoni Paolo Azzoni

Paolo Azzoni

INSIDE Industry Association, Netherlands

Kanak Alper Kanak

Alper Kanak


Cürüklü Baran Cürüklü

Baran Cürüklü

Mälardalen University, Sweden


Vehicles are experiencing a radical transition towards software-defined architectures. Moreover, latest vehicles benefits from over one hundred on-board Electronic Control Units (ECUs) managing all relevant tasks related to sensing, processing, and control. In this context, Software-Defined Vehicles (SDVs) represent a paradigm shift in the design and implementation of intelligent communication and management strategies, aiming at guaranteeing effective sensing and control. Such a design poses relevant challenges in both hardware, software and security domains, but SDVs, paving the way to safer and reliable strategies for adaptive control strategies and transportation networks optimization, will represent a key innovation in this context. This Special Sessions aims at collecting innovative ideas on improving the reliability of vehicular communications, platform strategies and developments, DevOps/DevSecOps and delivery models, improved safety and security techniques, cloud-oriented solutions, CI/CD, AI, user experience enhancement, data processing and aggregation, and innovative network models.


Hence, the topics welcomed in this special session would cover the following areas, without being limited to them:

  • Software-Defined Vehicle (SDV);
  • Communication architectures;
  • Sensing strategies;
  • Processing strategies;
  • Control strategies;
  • Cloud-native development;
  • Integration of heterogeneous communication protocols (e.g., LIN, FlexRay, Automotive Ethernet, CAN, etc.);
  • Trustworthy and smart intra-vehicle interactions;
  • Vehicle APIs;
  • Diagnostic strategies;
  • Cyber security aspects;
  • Artificial Intelligence applications.


Luca Davoli is a (non-tenured) Assistant Professor at the Internet of Things (IoT) Lab, Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Parma, Italy. He obtained his Dr. Ing. degree in computer engineering and his Ph.D. in Information Technologies at the Department of Information Engineering of the same university, in 2013 and 2017, respectively. He is a Research Scientist at things2i ltd., a spin-off of the University of Parma dedicated to IoT and smart systems. His research interests focus on IoT, Pervasive Computing, Big Stream and Software-Defined Networking.

Gianluigi Ferrari received the Laurea (summa cum laude) and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Parma, Parma, Italy, in 1998 and 2002, respectively. Since 2002, he has been with the University of Parma, where he is currently a Full Professor of telecommunications and the coordinator of the Internet of Things (IoT) Lab, Department of Engineering and Architecture. He is co-founder and President of things2i ltd., a spin-off of the University of Parma dedicated to IoT and smart systems. His current research interests include signal processing, advanced communication and networking, and IoT and smart systems.

Paolo Azzoni is the Secretary General of INSIDE Industry Association (formerly Artemis-IA), the Industry Association that serves as the European Technology Platform for research and innovation on Intelligent Digital Systems and their applications. INSIDE is one of the three private members of the Chips Joint Undertaking, which is mobilizing more than 11 B€ to safeguard, consolidate, and strengthen the Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) in Europe. He is the co-chairman of the ECS Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, a funding-agnostic document describing the major challenges and priorities in the ECS domain for the next 10 years. He is the Head of European Technology Programmes at EUROTECH Group, managing industrial research projects in the areas of cyber-physical systems, intelligent systems, M2M, edge computing, IoT and digitalization. He holds a Master Degree in Computer Science and a second Master Degree in Intelligent Systems.

Alper Kanak received his B.Sc. from İstanbul Technical University, M.Sc. from Koc University, and Ph.D. from Gebze Technical University, all with honor degree in 2001, 2004 and 2013, respectively. He worked as a research and teaching assistant in Koc University between 2001 and 2003 and participated in a national project in the field of audio-visual speaker recognition. He then joined TUBITAK, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye, and became a chief researcher for in 2008. He was employed in various projects and played a key role in establishing the Multimedia Technologies Research Laboratory in TUBITAK. In 2015, he started in ERARGE, Ergunler R&D Ltd. Co, as the R&D director and since then he has coordinated or co-coordinated ~20 projects. He has taken full responsibility in full life cycle of national and international projects, i.e., Critical-Chains, Safety4Rails, Valu3s in Horizon 2020, ESCALATE, OPEVA, TEAMING, AI4SWENG, NexTArc in Horizon Europe, SA4CPS, TioCPS, BIMy, C3PO in EUREKA-ITEA, projects with Finland and Qatar in bilateral programmes and national projects. He has published more than 50 papers in top journals and conferences in the fields of privacy-security-trust models, semantic Web and ontologies, cyber-physical systems, biometric security, speech and language technologies, and image/video processing. He has also contributed to Türkiye’s ICT strategies as the national representative. Dr Kanak has lectured graduate courses on advanced topics of computer vision in Gebze Technical University, Türkiye.

Baran Cürüklü received his PhD in Artificial intelligence from Mälardalen University (MDU) in April 2005. He is since 2007 senior lecturer at MDU and focuses on various topics within AI, robotics and human-system interaction.



